
Advanced Offshore Engineering: Project Insights

In recent years, Synergy Engineering B.V. has been at the forefront of several high-profile engineering projects, demonstrating our capability to handle complex challenges in the offshore sector. From innovative design solutions in Taiwan to logistical prowess in India and Trinidad, our projects have set new standards in engineering excellence.

Greater Changua Wind Farm, Taiwan: Partnering with XPRTHUB, we undertook the design of Grillages and Seafastening (G&SF) for the Greater Changua wind farm. The primary challenge was creating a non-welded seafastening solution for jacket foundations. Our innovative approach involved designing hydraulically pressed clamps and conducting detailed nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (FEA), including assessments for low cycle fatigue. This project was a testament to our expertise in developing unique, reliable solutions for the renewable energy sector.

Ruby FPSO Mooring System, India: Our involvement in the Ruby FPSO Mooring System project spanned two critical campaigns. Initially, we were responsible for the Transport and Installation (T&I) of suction anchors, which included designing rigging arrangements and writing procedural guidelines. Our team’s presence during the Construction Support Vessel (CSV) mobilization in Singapore and Batam was pivotal for placing cradles and loading mooring chains and anchors. The subsequent phase of mooring line installations saw us again providing both office-based procedural support and on-site offshore assistance. Navigating the logistical challenges posed by COVID-19 travel restrictions underscored our adaptability and commitment to project success. In the depth of “COVID times”, we had words of Henry Ford in our mind:

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it..” – Henry Ford

Jackup Leg Salvage Offshore Trinidad: In a race against time, we designed a 1500-ton lift frame and G&SF for a jackup leg salvage operation offshore Trinidad. The urgency of the project, coupled with local material availability constraints, demanded rapid yet precise engineering and fabrication. Our ability to deliver under such tight timeframes and conditions highlighted our proficiency in managing high-pressure scenarios while maintaining quality and safety standards.

The diverse challenges and successes of the Greater Changua wind farm, Ruby FPSO Mooring System, and the Trinidad jackup leg salvage project reflect Synergy Engineering B.V.’s versatility and expertise in the offshore engineering sector. Each project underscores our commitment to delivering innovative solutions, maintaining stringent safety standards, and overcoming logistical hurdles, regardless of the project’s scale or location.


Modular Mastery: The 3500t Spreader Bar Design

Synergy Engineering B.V. recently undertook a challenging project to design a 3500-ton spreader bar. This task was not just about handling an immense load capacity but also about creating a versatile, modular solution adaptable to various future projects. The project was a blend of technical ingenuity and practical foresight.

Design Objectives and Challenges: The primary objective was to design the spreader bar for maximum crane capacity, ensuring it could handle the heaviest lifts possible. A crucial aspect of the design was its modularity, allowing for adaptability in a range of future projects. Additionally, the design had to accommodate specific requirements for minimum and maximum top and bottom rigging angles, presenting a unique set of engineering challenges.

Technical Focus in Design: A key consideration in the design was limiting bending moments, as they critically impact the buckling capacity and complicate bolted connections. This required precise calculations and innovative engineering strategies. Equally important was the design of the spreader bar heads, determining the types of rigging that could be employed and, by extension, the versatility of the spreader bar itself.

Successful Application and Future Prospects: Since its inception, the 3500-ton spreader bar has been successfully deployed in increasingly significant projects, proving its effectiveness and reliability. Its modular design has demonstrated remarkable flexibility, adapting seamlessly to various lifting requirements. At Synergy Engineering B.V., we’re proud of this accomplishment and are ready to leverage our expertise to design similar solutions for future clients.

The 3500-ton spreader bar project epitomizes Synergy Engineering B.V.’s ability to combine technical excellence with practical application. It stands as a testament to our expertise in designing bespoke lifting solutions that not only meet current demands but also anticipate future needs. For those seeking innovative lifting solutions, we invite you to contact us to discuss how we can assist in your next major project.


Precision in Constraints: 1500t Lift Frame Challenge

In the demanding world of offshore engineering, Synergy Engineering B.V. recently demonstrated exceptional skill and ingenuity by designing a 1500-ton lift frame under stringent time and material constraints. This project not only showcased our technical expertise but also our ability to innovate in challenging conditions.

Project Constraints: The design and fabrication of the 1500-ton lift frame were constrained by significant time pressures and limited material availability. Only a few locations worldwide could meet the logistical and material requirements for such a large-scale fabrication, presenting a unique challenge for our team.

Design Philosophy: Our approach focused on creating a design that was simple, robust, and easy to rig, considering the demanding operational environment. The lift frame’s design needed to facilitate quick and safe rigging, including provisions for connections to be made underwater by divers and disconnections by rope access technicians at height.

Innovative Solutions and Execution: Adapting to these challenges, Synergy Engineering B.V. developed an innovative design that adhered to all safety and functional requirements while being feasible for rapid fabrication in the selected locations. Our team’s ability to think creatively under pressure was pivotal in meeting the project’s tight deadlines without compromising on the quality and safety of the lift frame.

Summary: The 1500-ton lift frame project underscores Synergy Engineering B.V.’s commitment to delivering high-quality engineering solutions, even under the most challenging circumstances. Our success in this project is a testament to our team’s expertise in navigating complex logistical and material challenges, reinforcing our reputation as a leader in offshore engineering solutions.