Project Information

In collaboration with XPRTHUB, Synergy Engineering B.V. was tasked by Heerema Marine Contractors to design grillage and seafastening (G&SF) systems for the transportation of Greater Changua Jacket Foundations for wind turbine generators. The operation involved transports between South Korea and Taiwan.

Design and Standard Compliance: Our design strictly complied with DNVGL ST-N001 standards, focusing on delivering a solution for the safe and efficient transport of jacket foundations.

Key Challenges:

  • Contact-Based Seafastening: The project demanded innovative seafastening solutions that relied solely on contact, avoiding the need for welding.


Heerema Marine Contractors





Our Role

Concept and Detailed Design



Structural Engineering & Drafting

Scope Of Work

Our task encompassed the conceptual and detailed design of the G&SF. We collaborated with XPRTHUB on the concept for a movable mechanism for seafastening. Deliverables included design reports, 3D models, FEA models, and comprehensive design drawings.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in Ansys

The initial concept was developed through hand calculations, with subsequent verification and detailing carried out via FEA in Ansys.
We addressed all relevant load cases based on DNV guidelines, focusing on motion analysis and Heavy Transport Vessel (HTV) strength checks under transport loads.

3D Modeling and 2D drawings

Utilizing Ansys SpaceClaim and Autodesk Inventor, we created detailed 3D models that facilitated an efficient progression to 2D design drawings, which were finalized using Autodesk AutoCAD.

HTV mobilization (back office) support

Throughout the vessel mobilization phase, Synergy Engineering B.V. provided essential back office support. This involved assisting with any changes or modifications needed during the operation, ensuring seamless execution and adaptability in the field.
Drafting and modelling
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